
Where's Duane?

I know, I know, I haven’t been keeping my promise to post at least once a week on this blog. But here’s the thing-- I want to write factual, thought provoking posts that are both an “Ah-ha!” and a call to action that will help you, my dear reader, make positive changes in your life. So, when I have no such topic on the tips of my typing fingers, I post nothing. I feel that is preferable to posting random rambling tidbits of my everyday thoughts and “Hey guess what happened to me today” or “Did you ever notice…” type of posts.

And how does that make me feel? I feel guilty, as if I’m withholding some precious jewels of wisdom from you, even though I haven’t a clue about what to write.

So, may I ask for your help? I know my readers enjoyed my first 22 posts. Visitor count to this page reads more than 3100, so I must be doing something right. My question to you is this: Would you like to see more frequent posts, even if they are slightly less awesome than you are used to seeing here?

You can leave a comment or send me a private email here: duanemyers2000@yahoo.com. Depending on how many comments and emails I get, I may not reply to every one, but I will read them all. Results to follow…

Thanks for being you! Have an awesome day!

Peace, out.

Check out  Duane’s YouTube Channel


  1. Hey (Professor) Duane! Good to see you here. And thanks for the comments over to my part of the Net.

    As to your posts, I would rather you post what you feel is important to you. So however that works, I'm good with it!


  2. I wouldn't mind seeing more posts about stuff that happens to you, and your thoughts on that. Anything you post will be read and enjoyed, because it's from you!


  3. Hey Lizzy,
    Thanks for your input. I really appreciate it.

    Hi Jeff,
    Thanks my friend, that means a lot to me.

    Peace, Duane

  4. Hey Duane, I'll take quality over quantity any day. Take care! -Jessica

  5. Hey Jessica,
    Thanks for your input. I'll definitely keep that in mind.

